Our Privacy & Cookie Policy

Who we are

We are Astral Actors Management, and our website address is: https://astralactors.com.

Astral Actors Management manage and administer this website.  For the purposes of data protection laws, in respect of the Personal Data (as defined below) submitted by you when you visit our website astralactors.com (the “Website”), and we are the “data processor”.  In this privacy policy “Company” means us.

Personal Data” means information which identifies you as well as any information relating to you. 

This privacy policy sets out the fair and lawful basis upon which we collect and process personal data. This privacy policy was last updated on 10 July 2023.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

When you visit our Website we may ask you to provide or otherwise collect the following Personal Data about you and your interests:

Contact Information
Depending on the page of the website you visit, we may ask you to provide details of your name, telephone number, address, email address.

Application Form Information
Professional details, links to Spotlight, showreels and CVs.

Employment Information
Prior experience, references, CV and or other information relating to your personal professional employment history.

Interests Information
Personal interests, preferences, feedback.

Technical Information 
Details of specific content and or pages you visit on our website (including duration of visits), technical information including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, device(s) you use to access our website, your geographical location.


How We Collect Information

We receive information including Personal Data about you in three ways: (i) you may provide us information; (ii) we may collect information about you in the course of your visiting our website; and (iii) third parties may provide us information about you where you have given them consent to do so or they have another lawful basis to share this information with us.


Why We Collect and How We Use Personal Data

We can only use your Personal Data if we have a lawful basis to do so under data protection law. This means we will only use your personal data: (i) where we need to in relation to a contract we are entering into with you; (ii) where you have given us your consent for a particular use; or (iii) where we need to for purposes in our, or a third party’s, legitimate interests. When relying on the ‘legitimate interests’ basis, we consider our interests and the potential impact on your rights and weigh this up. We will also use your Personal Data where we need to in order to comply with a legal obligation we are under. You can find out more about why we use your Personal Data below.


Information You Give Us

This is information about you, including under any or all of the above Personal Data Categories, that you give us by filling in forms or submitting information on the Website or corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise.

We use this information because you have asked us to do something/provide you information, because it is otherwise necessary in relation to a contract or transaction that you are entering into with us, or for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy in our legitimate interests.

This includes:

  • Where you submit an Application Form, and/or at our invitation and to inform you whether or not your submission has been accepted.

Where you consent, we share Contact Information, Application Information with other staff in the Company, being able to contact you in relation to services/activities that we think you may be interested in. If you wish to be removed from any Company mailing list that is used for marketing purposes, please email liz@astralactors.com


Information we collect about you

We also use cookies (which are small text files stored in your browser) and cookie-like software.  These collect information that tell us how you use our Website.  This helps us make our Website relevant to your interests and needs.  We may use a persistent cookie (a cookie that stays linked to your browser) to record your details so we can recognise you if you visit the Website again.  You can choose to refuse cookies or set your browser to let you know each time a website tries to set a cookie. 

If you use our website we understand that to mean that you consent to our use and placement of cookies for the purposes of collecting and processing Interests Information and Technical Information in the manner described below:


When is Personal Data Shared with Third Parties

We may share Personal Data about you with regard to IP address, web activities and location only, with the following service providers who we engage to process such Personal Data for the purposes described herein.

iThemes Security

Website Performance Service Providers
Google Analytics

The Personal Data that we collect from you may be transferred to and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area.  We will take all steps reasonably necessary and available to us to safeguard and ensure that your Personal Data is treated securely and in accordance with applicable laws, which may include having in place a contract with the recipient to ensure the security of your personal data in accordance with data protection laws or only transferring to US companies who have certified under Privacy Shield to keep your personal data secure.

We may also share Personal Data about you if we are required to do so in order to comply with any legal obligation or to protect our legal rights (or those of our clients).


Your Rights

We try to be as open as we reasonably can about the Personal Data that we process.  If you would like specific information, just ask us.

You have legal rights (i) to make a “subject access request” to access your Personal Data; (ii) to request and be given your Personal Data in machine readable format for the purposes of your passing such data to third parties; (iii) to request rectification or removal of your Personal Data and/or to have its processing restricted; and (iv) to object to processing of your Personal Data for a particular purpose  where we rely on “legitimate interests” as our legal basis for that particular use (as we’ve pointed out to you in this Privacy Policy), in which case you should let us know your reason for your objection. Please note that we may still process your Personal Data where there are other relevant lawful bases we rely on or where we have compelling grounds to continue processing your Personal Data, despite your objections.

We will store and process your Personal Data only for as long as is reasonably necessary for us to perform the services/activities we are undertaking and to comply with our legal obligations. Once data is anonymised we may hold it indefinitely, without further notice to you.

Please note that our website may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites.  If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.

As you probably know, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure.  Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data once transferred to us; any transmission is at your own risk.  Once we have received your Personal Data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

If you have complaints relating to our processing of your Personal Data, you should contact us in the first instance at liz@astralactors.com.  You may also raise complaints with the Information Commissioner who is the statutory regulator.